Baju Muslimah Kanak-kanak

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

5 Ways To Survive And Thrive As An Introvert Parent

Posted by Akula at 2:30 AM

Many people conflate shyness and introversion. It is not the case that all introverts are shy. Most of the introverts I know can be very articulate and, in the right circumstances, sociable. It is simply that introverts re-energise by spending time alone. Their interior world is more important to them than their exterior world and they value solitude over companionship.

Why is Introvert parenting particularly intense?

Ask most introverts and they will tell you that our society seems to value extraversion over introversion. From our earliest days we are encouraged to seek out friendship groups. There are many new parent groups which pregnant women and their partners can access in order to have a "support network" available to them when their child is born. Even quite small communities abound with pre-schools and nurseries where very young children are cared for in, sometimes quite large, groups. If children are schooled, this continues through their education. Our workplaces are often busy and bustling. Introverts can often feel as though they are being suffocated by sociability! If simply existing as an introvert can sometimes feel overwhelming, why pick out parenting as a particularly draining role for an introvert to undertake?

Primarily, it's the all-encompassing nature of parenting. For most parents, parenting begins with pregnancy and for nine months an introvert mother-to-be is never truly alone. Even when carving out "me" time, she has her lovely little passenger along for the ride. And once baby is born? Well, often, that complete symbiosis of mother and child from pregnancy actually seems like the easy part! I don't know about you but I never worked in any job where my colleagues would follow me to the toilet and try to continue negotiations with me whilst I was shut in a cubicle!

Parents want to do the best they can for their children. Whatever personality a parent is, having responsibility for the health and well-being of a whole other human being can feel like an overwhelming responsibility. To do it well means ensuring your own well-being is protected. It is so much easier to give your time and energy to your children when those things are replenished regularly. The extra challenge for an introvert parent is creating the time and space to do just that when, for most of us, it means carving out sufficient, high-quality alone time. Locking the toilet door probably won't do it (although it might be a start!)

1. Accept that you are an Introvert:

It can be tempting, when the world seems so much more receptive to extrovert personalities, to try and re-invent yourself. If being an extrovert makes it easier to spend time with your child then - pow! - become an extrovert. Suddenly discover the joys of large crowds and noisy soft play areas which eluded you before. (Allow this introvert a brief shudder of horror before proceeding!) There is validity in the idea that we should explore our "shadow" sides and Jung felt that we should all have an understanding of our opposites but understanding and becoming are not the same.

Whilst personality can, and does, evolve over a life-time, affected by life experiences and social groupings, the underlying traits are most likely to remain. According to Peter Geyer, 75% of those who re-take a Myers-Briggs test will report the same result a second time (and this can be higher, if the participant has strong preferences). This implies that the core aspects of who we were are deep-seated, possibly innate and unlikely to shift drastically in our lifetime.

Thus, rather than trying to become less introverted, a parent who embraces their introvert personality is likely to be in a better position to make adaptations to their parenting style to accommodate their need for space.

2. Accept that you are not ONLY an Introvert:

Reducing who you are to one word is always going to be a little basic and self-limiting. None of us have just one personality trait. Those other letters on a Myers-Briggs scale?... They're important too and your combination of aptitudes will probably be unique to you. Moreover, just four letters seems even more limiting than a word. Taking those four letters as the foundation for exploring the rich multi-faceted nature of humans seems a healthier approach.

Me? Well, to limit myself to four letters for a moment (!) I came out as an ISFJ when I was eighteen. I'm an extreme Introvert. But, I also have tendencies toward OCD and, as a result, my mental health is better when my home is clean and ordered. I thrive on routine and strongly dislike spontaneity! All these things have shaped my parenting yet none of them were really anything to do with being an introvert. The fact that I learned to mix my need for tidiness with my child's need to explore (read: make a mess) grew out of my "J-ness" not my "I-ness"! And I'm sure my Sensing and Feeling characteristics will have fed into the type of parent I ultimately became, even if I'm not completely conscious of the actual outcomes.

Likewise, any parent who tries to plan the way they raise their child around one aspect of their psyche is likely to find it virtually impossible. The needs of the child and, indeed, the parent will not be fully met and there may well be increased tension and discord. Knowing that parenting is dynamic and acknowledging that it is never just one thing can help us when we're trying to work out what on earth is going on!?

3. Notice your child's personality.

If you're an introvert parent, you may spend pregnancy crossing your fingers and hoping for an introvert child. You may have fond images of sitting side by side with your little one, in happy companionable silence, building elaborate rail networks from your box of wooden train-track. Or, you may envisage hours on the sofa surrounded by books which you and your child will share harmoniously. They will sit entranced and definitely won't try to gnaw the cover or launch a beloved classic at your head.

And you know what? It might happen like that. It did for me - the first time around. My eldest child turned out to be a happy, contented introvert who would happily spend a whole morning planning and executing amazing rail networks. He welcomed my participation but didn't seem to require it and would remain lost in his own world if I needed to step away for any reason.

This Introvert parent / Introvert child relationship may seem the perfect one but it is not without its challenges. As you both require little outside stimulation, you can end up relatively isolated. As the adult, an introverted parent may have to bite the bullet and take steps to ensure you and your child do have some social interaction in a week. Even the most extreme introvert can gain from building friendships with other parents and building a support network. Even introvert children can learn and grow through thoughtful and sensitive interaction with their peers. As an introvert child gets older, you may find that, even though you went through it yourself, you worry about whether they are making friends and socialising enough. It's probably unfounded but you're a parent so that's what you'll do!

And if you have an ambivert / extrovert child? It's all a question of balance. You know your child and you will be able to read their cues. They will not be subtle about letting you know that they need more than your company, no matter how scintillating a conversationalist you are! Their liveliness and gregariousness can be daunting for a parent who values silence but it can also be hugely life-affirming and enriching. Cherish your own personality, cherish your child's and cherish the difference.

4. Create a rhythm.

Having a rhythm to your day or your week can be very helpful for introvert parents. Whether this needs to be a strict schedule or more of a loose plan will depend on whether you're a "J" Introvert (likes schedule and structure) or a "P" one (likes spontaneity and surprises). Irrespective, if you know that going to a toddler group will deplete your energy then making provision to replenish isn't selfish, it's necessary.
It might seem indulgent but if you are your child's primary caregiver then their well-being depends on your well-being. You aren't being selfish when you take the time to meet your own needs, you are being a responsible parent. And, if you're a working introvert parent? I would imagine it's even more of an imperative to give yourself some space. You are dealing with the intensity of life with small children and the responsibility of work. Without a rhythm that includes rest, you may very well burn out. It isn't always easy, in this age of perpetual business, to see a space for introverted introspection but most introvert parents will know when they are stretched too thin. We get cranky - and we're not pleasant when we're cranky!

5. Consider your parenting style.

From the minute you know you're having a baby, there are experts longing to tell you how it's done. These experts range from family members through to published authors, who must know what they're talking about if they've got a book about it. Well, yes and no. Some parenting advice can be really useful but any "one size fits all" philosophy is going to come unstuck when you consider all we have been saying about the variances amongst parents and amongst their children.

It doesn't matter whether you're an introvert, an ambivert or an extrovert, the best parenting style for you is the one you evolve to best fit your family. I dislike parenting labels but sometimes they can help us find our "tribe". If I had to pick one, I'd choose "Instinctive Parent" - which may just be a fancy way of saying "Make It Up As I Go". Which is, actually, fine.

I was very surprised to find that my instincts led me to be broadly Attachment in my parenting choices. As this type of parenting is associated with quite intensive parenting practices and is generally quite fluid about structures, it didn't seem to suit my personality type. But I found that things like carrying my baby in a sling - especially my extrovert youngest - worked in my favour. He was stimulated and happy, being able to see the world from my back. I was able to take some time and space knowing he was safe and happy. What at first glance might have seemed counter-intuitive for an introvert, actually served my needs (and those of my baby) very well.

Maybe Introvert Parent is a label all of its own but an Introvert Parent who raises their child according to their instincts is likely to be a happy and successful parent.



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